Holyoke Public Library
250 Chestnut Street - Holyoke, MA 01040

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Click below to download in-depth versions of all of our policies

Policies are currently under review and being translated into Spanish.  Thank you for your patience as we work on this important update.


  • Computer Use Policy and Guidelines (English / Español)

  • Donation of Materials Policy (English / Español)

  • Electronic Resources Access Policy (English / Español)

  • Security Camera Policy (English / Español)

  • Meeting Room Policy​ (English / Español)

  • Patron Behavior and Bathroom Use Policy (English / Español)

  • Unattended Children Policy (English / Español)

  • Collection Development and Material Selection Policy (English / Español)

  • Library of Things Policy (English / Español)

  • Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending Policy (Hotpsots Currently Unavailable) (English / Español)

  • Laptop Lending Policy (English / Español)
    • The Laptop Lending Program is not currently in effect yet, but once it is running and available then this policy will be implemented and enforced.