The Holyoke History Room is dedicated to preserving the history of Holyoke and supporting research into the city's past. History Room collections include maps, photographs, city directories, and Holyoke newspapers (on microfilm) from the 1850s to the 1990s. Biographical and subject files provide information on numerous Holyoke residents, landmarks, businesses, institutions, and organizations.The Reading Room is located off the third-level gallery in the new Holyoke Public Library.
Regular Reading Room Open Hours
Tuesdays: 10-2 and 3-6
Wednesdays: 10-4
Thursdays: 10-4
CLOSED: Tuesday 3/25 from 12:30-3:30 for a class visit
Closed Mondays and Fridays except by appointment.
If you think that the materials you need for research may be in the secure archive, or have materials to donate, or are coming from a distance, please call in advance to let us know you are coming. Due to limited staffing, research collections held in secure storage may not available to those without an appointment.
If you wish to bring a group to the History Room, please contact us in advance so that we can prepare an informative visit.
For more information on using History Room collections, click here.
We can also provide limited remote research assistance by telephone or email:
historyroom [at]
(413) 420 - 8107
Online Research: See our Digital Collections and our Collections pages for free online local history resources. See our Genealogy page for ways (including many free ones) to continue your research online. The Library also has many other online resources for general research availalble to Holyoke Public Library cardholders. If your card is from a different library, check that library's website for access to e-resources.
History Room YouTube Channel for video digitization projects and selected event recordings
Reference Librarian for Special Collections: Eileen Crosby, Ph.D., M.S.L.S.
Call us: (413) 420 - 8107
Email us:
Telephone and email inquiries: For patrons unable to visit the Reading Room, our volunteer staff can conduct limited research. Please provide the details of your prior research (so that we do not duplicate it) along with your own name and contact information. Please allow 7-10 days for look-ups, longer for more complex requests.